March 28, 2025

Streaming Quick Picks: Richard Linklater

before-midnight-ausschau-halten-nach-dem-lebensglueck-41-47447811Streaming Quick Picks: Richard Linklater

We’re always thinking about new ways to serve you, our loyal Madison Film Forum readers, in our mission of viewing great films at home and at local venues. This week we’re introducing a new feature, Madfilm Quick Picks, which will showcase an Artist of the Week (most often directors, but also actors, screenwriters, cinematographers, and composers) and a Genre of the Month (coming soon). We kick things off this week with a tie-in to our Madfilm Meetup tomorrow, Richard Linklater’s Boyhood at Sundance Cinemas. Every Richard Linklater film is available to stream via one service or another, so the posters below will link you to entries at, where you can select your preferred streaming method. If you don’t use the currently available services, you can add the title to your GoWatchIt queue and receive updates when that title becomes available on other services. If you miss Boyhood in the theaters, you can add it to your queue as well and get updates when it is available. If you scroll to the bottom, you’ll find new buttons we’ve created for easy DVD searches at the Four Star Video Co-Op and Madison Public Library databases.

doubleplay-posterTonight, I’ll prepare for the Meetup by watching Gabe Klinger’s documentary Double Play, which examines the relationship between Linklater and experimental filmmaker (and Milwaukee native) James Benning. Earlier this month it was a 99¢ rental at Vudu, but it is currently available at several streaming resources at the $3.99 rental price. I have about three more days before the rental expires, so I better get to it tonight (I won’t have time tomorrow because of the Meetup). One of the more interesting things about Linklater’s career has been how he has alternated between personal and studio projects, while at the same time remaining devoted to alternative film culture and history. Linklater’s friendship with Benning dates back to when he invited Benning to be the first out-of-town guest speaker at the now legendary Austin Film Society. Financed by a Kickstarter campaign, Klinger’s Double Play won Best Documentary at the Venice Film Festival.

Let us know in the comments section what your favorite (or least favorite) Linklater films are, and join us at the Madfilm Meetup tomorrow night!

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