March 26, 2025

2016 Missed Madison Film Festival: 30 Films to Rent and Stream

Missed Madison postYou Don’t Need to Miss These 30 Films That Missed Madison in 2015

The 2016 Missed Madison Film Festival was a collaborative effort involving Four Star Video Cooperative, LakeFrontRow, Wisconsin Union Directorate Film Committee, and Madison Film Forum. Thirty reviews were posted between Monday, January 11 through Friday, January 15, 2016.

For an overview of the Missed Madison Film Festival project, click here.

Thank you to all of the new readers who checked out the participating websites. We hope to continue the Missed Madison Film Festival next year, so please give us any feedback or suggestions you have in the comments below or on our Facebook event page.

In addition to links to the reviews and podcasts, we’ve included links to local and streaming resources where you can find the films. For titles that have not been released for home video, we recommend that you sign up at GoWatchIt and add them to your queue so that you will receive updates when they become available.

Be sure to check out Capital Times film critic Rob Thomas’s shout out to the Missed Madison Film Festival at his Madison Movie blog.

The January 7 issue of Isthmus is no longer on the stands, but you can still read Jay Rath’s article about the Missed Madison Film Festival online.

Go to the WORT-FM archives to listen to the “Wages of Cinema” segment of the January 12 episode of Fire Worship! (cue to 1:34:40). Host JoAnne Powers moderated a discussion of the Missed Madison Film Festival with Madison Film Forum’s James Kreul, Four Star’s Lewis Peterson, and LakeFrontRow’s Grant Phipps.

Links below updated August 21, 2016



Day Five: Friday, January 15

alleluiaAlléluia | Fabrice Du Welz | Belgium | 2014 | 95 minutes

Reviewed by the Four Star Video Podcast

Four Star | Madison Public Library | GoWatchIt



experimenterExperimenter | Michael Almereyda | USA | 2015 | 90 minutes

Reviewed by Craig Johnson at Madison Film Forum

Four Star | Madison Public Library | NetflixGoWatchIt



field niggasField Niggas | Khalik Allah | USA | 2015 | 60 minutes

Reviewed by James Kreul at Madison Film Forum

Queue at GoWatchIt for availability updates



the-lobsterThe Lobster | Yorgos Lanthimos | Greece | 2015 | 118 minutes

Reviewed by David Klein at Lake Front Row

Four Star | Madison Public Library |  GoWatchIt



Maps to the StarsMaps to the Stars | David Cronenberg | USA | 2014 | 112 minutes

Reviewed by Jason Fuhrman at Madison Film Forum

Four Star | Madison Public Library |  GoWatchIt



story-of-my-deathStory of My Death | Albert Serra | Spain | 2013 | 148 minutes

Reviewed by Grant Phipps at LakeFrontRow

Queue at GoWatchIt for availability updates




Day Four: Thursday, January 14

CourtCourt | Chaltanya Tamhane | India | 2014 | 116 minutes

Reviewed by James Kreul at Madison Film Forum

Madison Public LibraryGoWatchIt



entertainmentEntertainment | Rick Alverson | USA | 2015 | 98 minutes

Reviewed by James LaPierre at WUD Film Presents

Four StarMadison Public LibraryGoWatchIt



human capitalHuman Capital | Paolo Virzi | Italy | 109 minutes

Reviewed by the Four Star Video Podcast

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Netflix | GoWatchIt



kilo_two_bravoKilo Two Bravo | Paul Katis | UK | 2014 | 108 minutes

Reviewed by Jake Smith at Madison Film Forum

NetflixAmazon Video | GoWatchIt



rocks in my pocketsRocks in My Pockets | Signe Baumane | USA, Latvia | 2014 | 88 minutes

Reviewed by Grant Phipps at LakeFrontRow

Consult Vimeo and GoWatchIt for Video on Demand resources



victoria (1)Victoria | Sebastian Schipper | Germany | 2015 | 138 minutes

Reviewed by Erik Oliver at Madison Film Forum

Four Star | Madison Public Library | NetflixGoWatchIt





Day Three: Wednesday, January 13


Eisenstein in Guanajuato | Peter Greenaway | UK, Netherlands | 2015

Reviewed by Chris Lay at Madison Film Forum

Four Star |  Madison Public Library | Netflix | GoWatchIt



the-fool-durakThe Fool | Yuriy Bykov | Russia | 2014 | 121 minutes

Reviewed by James Kreul at Madison Film Forum

Madison Public LibraryGoWatchIt



InMyFathersHouseIn My Father’s House | Ricki Stern, Annie Sundberg | USA | 2015 | 93 minutes

Reviewed by Vincent Mollica at WUD Film Presents

Four Star | Madison Public LibraryGoWatchIt



LOVELove | Gaspar Noé | France | 2015 | 135 minutes

Reviewed by Emily Caulfield at Madison Film Forum

Netflix | GoWatchIt



slow-westSlow West | John Maclean | UK | 2015 | 84 minutes

Reviewed by David Klein at LakeFrontRow

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Amazon Prime | GoWatchIt



The Voices | Marjane Satrapi | USA | 2014 | 107 minutes

Reviewed by the Four Star Video Podcast

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Amazon Prime | GoWatchIt




Day Two: Tuesday, January 12

black coalBlack Coal, Thin Ice | Diao Yinan | China | 2014 | 106 minutes

Reviewed by the Four Star Video Podcast

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Netflix | GoWatchIt



blindBlind | Eskil Vogt | Norway | 2014 | 100 minutes

Reviewed by Grant Phipps at LakeFrontRow

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Fandor | GoWatchIt



Buzzard 2Buzzard | Joel Potrykus | USA | 2014 | 97 minutes

Reviewed by Taylor Hanley at Madison Film Forum

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Amazon Prime | GoWatchIt



christmas_again_01Christmas, Again | Charles Poekel | USA | 2014 | 80 minutes

Reviewed by Chris Lay at Madison Film Forum

Amazon Prime | Fandor | GoWatchIt



springSpring | Justin Benson | USA | 2014 | 105 minutes

Reviewed by Vincent Mollica at WUD Film Presents

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Amazon Prime | GoWatchIt



the-tribeThe Tribe | Myroslav Slaboshpytskly | Ukraine | 2014 | 90 minutes

Reviewed by James Kreul at Madison Film Forum

Madison Public Library |  Netflix |  GoWatchIt




Day One: Monday, January 11

bone-tomahawk-2Bone Tomahawk | Charles Poekel | USA | 2014 | 80 minutes

Reviewed by Chris Lay at Madison Film Forum

Four Star | Madison Public Library | Amazon Prime | GoWatchIt



Cop Car | Jon Watts | USA | 2014 | 86 minutes

Reviewed by the Four Star Video Podcast

Four Star | Madison Public LibraryGoWatchIt



Hard-to-be-a-God11Hard to Be a God | Alexei German | Russia | 2013 | 170 minutes

Reviewed by James Kreul at Madison Film Forum

Four Star |  Netflix | Fandor | GoWatchIt



national galleryNational Gallery | Frederick Wiseman | USA | 2014 | 180 minutes

Reviewed by Grant Phipps at LakeFrontRow

Queue for availability updates at GoWatchIt



office-01Office | Johnnie To | Hong Kong | 2015 | 117 minutes

Reviewed by Jake Smith at Madison Film Forum

Queue for availability updates at GoWatchIt



the-mendThe Mend | John Magary | USA | 2014 | 111 minutes

Reviewed by Ani Biswas at WUD Film Presents

Netflix | GoWatchIt



4 Comments on 2016 Missed Madison Film Festival: 30 Films to Rent and Stream

    • No worries, this is a “virtual festival,” where we have collaborated with Four Star Video and cinema websites in Madison to highlight films that missed Madison and provide links to where you can find them.

      So browse through the titles, follow links to the reviews of films that you might be interested in, and follow links to resources where you can rent or stream them. Thanks for your interest!

  1. Hello all–

    here’s an update from Madison Public Library! Now in our LINKcat catalog:
    Maps to the Stars
    Eisenstein in Guanajuato
    The Fool
    In My Father’s House
    The Tribe

    Hard to be a God is in a queue to order- should show up in the library catalog later this month.

    Not sure if anyone is still viewing this list… but wanted you to know!
    Liz the DVD/Blu-Ray librarian at Central

16 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Madison Film Forum | Madfilm Meetup 2015 Recap: 43 Films, 86% Tomatometer Average
  2. Jan 11 - Jan 15: Missed Madison Film Festival - LakeFrontRow
  3. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: BONE TOMAHAWK at Four Star, Amazon Prime
  4. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: HARD TO BE A GOD at Four Star, Netflix, Fandor
  5. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Johnnie To’s OFFICE
  6. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: CHRISTMAS, AGAIN at Amazon Prime, Fandor
  7. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: BUZZARD at Four Star, Amazon Prime
  8. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Ukrainian Deaf-Mute Drama THE TRIBE
  9. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Sweet Handjobs, Sentimental Sexuality in Gaspar Noé’s LOVE
  10. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Peter Greenaway’s EISENSTEIN IN GUANAJUATO
  11. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Only THE FOOL Stands Up Against Russian Corruption
  12. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: KILO TWO BRAVO on Amazon Video
  13. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: India’s Academy Award Submission, COURT
  14. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: EXPERIMENTER at Four Star, Video on Demand
  15. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Cronenberg’s MAPS TO THE STARS at Central Library, Thu Feb 4, 6:30pm
  16. Madison Film Forum | Missed Madison: Screen Tests at 125th and Lexington, Khalik Allah’s FIELD NIGGAS

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