January 22, 2025

214 Club: A Leader Emerges with the February Lists

keep-calm-and-watching-moviesMatt Anderson was a force to be reckoned with in February

Most of the 214 Club lists for February are posted, and as David Letterman used to remind us: this is an exhibition, not a competition, so please no wagering.

But if I were a betting man, clearly I would double down on Matt Anderson leading the movie count for the rest of the year. Not that sheer numbers are what we’re after, but I have to admit his numbers are very impressive: 120 films in February, for a total of 144 for the year so far. So here are the rest of the numbers so far:


Matt Anderson: 144

Jake Smith: 60

Taylor Hanley: 54

James Kreul: 46

We have also added a new member to the 214 Club, Isthmus food critic André Darlington, whose February list should be posted soon. We are sending agents over to the home of Erik Gunneson, who inspired the 214 Club in the first place, to secure his lists sometime in the near future.

After a strong start in January, I found myself lagging behind in February, and I finished the month with a few short features just to catch up (Simon of the Desert, Slow Action). I did, however, significantly improve the number of films I saw at a theater in February thanks to our new Movie Tuesdays (so come join us in March, starting with The Wind Rises on March 4).

Now that we have some pretty healthy and diverse lists, I’m going to suggest that 214 Club members select at least one film from each member’s January and February lists to watch in March.

If you’d like to participate, feel free to chime in on the discussion forum (don’t worry about January and February, just tell us what you’ve been seeing lately). If you’d just like to see what we’ve been up to, use the GoWatchIt button to easily find any titles in any of the lists.

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