It is far too hard to keep track of upcoming one-off screenings or limited runs that last less than a week in Madison. Well, we here at the Madison Film Forum have addressed that issue with our new Alternative Screening Calendar.
When click on Calendar in the navigation bar, you will then have the option of the default “stream view” or a “month view” (I found these to be the most useful of the setting options). You can then filter the calendar by the color coded venues (So far, UW Cinematheque, Union South Marquee Theater, Marcus Eastgate and Marcus Point). We will continue to add venues, especially after Sundance resumes its Screening Room series.

The real challenge will keep track of the wonky schedule for the Marcus Theater Entertainment Network, but we will do our best to keep at least up to date to the current week. The campus schedules, which are established well in advance and have less convoluted start time patterns, will be updated to the current month whenever possible. If we ever fall too far behind, however, please remember that you can always check out the venue websites themselves (the internet is nice that way), all of which are listed in our Venues page, which is also linked in the navigation bar.
Another interesting option is that you can subscribe to the calendars via Google Calendar, iCal, or Outlook, among other options. Simply click the button at the bottom of the calendar page. And like the rest of the site is is very mobile friendly, so take a look at it on your phone or tablet.
Please let us know if you find the Alternative Screening Calendar useful, and be sure to send us suggestions for how we can improve it.