February 22, 2025

Madfilm Meetup: GHOSTBUSTERS @ Eastgate ($5), Tue Sep 2, 9:00pm

lightningBLISTER_back2Madfilm Meetup: Movie Tuesday

Ghostbusters (Ivan Reitman, USA, 1984, 107 min)

Marcus Eastgate Theaters, Tuesday, September 2, 9:00pm»



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Insert your “Who you gonna call?” joke here, then join us to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ivan Reitman’s Ghostbusters, starring (of course) Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Sigourney Weaver. 

Due to Marcus Theater Five-Dollar Tuesdays, we recommend that you purchase your tickets in advance online. The convenience fee is waived if you have a Magical Movies Rewards Card

The Madison Film Forum wants you to stream one great film every week, attend at least one great film every month, and meet people doing the same. We don’t sponsor these screenings, we just support them by showing up.

Not that you need reviews of Ghostbusters at this point, but we’ve aggregated a few positive and negative reviews of the film from 1984 at our Flipboard Magazine. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 97% Freshness Rating.

Flipboard wide MFF

Review highlights, on both sides of the spectrum, include:

“Whoever thought of having evil’s final manifestation take the form of a 100-ft. marshmallow deserves the rational mind’s eternal gratitude.” Richard Schickel, Time Magazine [Spoliers not an issue in 1984, I guess.]

“There is more attention to special effects than to humor.” Janet Maslin, New York Times