March 26, 2025

Mills Folly Microcinema

Coming Soon:

Mills Folly Microcinema

Mills Folly Microcinema is a monthly experimental film and video series at Arts + Literature Laboratory, 2021 Winnebago Street, in Madison, Wisconsin. Programs will begin in July, 2018.

What will be screened at Mills Folly Microcinema?

Mills Folly Microcinema will showcase nationally recognized experimental film and video art work from the festival and microcinema circuit.

We will also network with regional filmmakers and organizations in Milwaukee (Microlights), Minneapolis (Cellular Cinema), and Chicago (Nightingale Cinema) to bring filmmakers and guest programmers to Madison for screenings.

And we will incubate local experimental filmmaking by providing screen time at open shows (the video equivalent of an open mikes).

What is “Mills Folly”?

The name for Mills Folly Microcinema was inspired by the nickname for Park Place mansion at 2709 Sommers Avenue, originally called “Elmside” by its first owner Simeon Mills in 1863.

As explained at Historic Madison, Inc., “Townspeople called it “Mills Folly,” since it was located so far east that no one could conceive of such a long daily commute to town.”

Just as Mills pursued the outer fringe in 1863, Mills Folly Microcinema will explore new frontiers in 2018 and beyond. Also, experimental programming might seem to be sheer folly in today’s media landscape, but that just reinforces the serious need for an experimental film and video series in Madison.


Mills Folly Microcinema is funded in part by a grant from the Madison Arts Commission, with additional funds from the Wisconsin Arts Board.