March 30, 2025

Attend: Sunday Discounts at Marcus, Tuesday Discounts at AMC

boxofficeMarcus Theaters Announces “Sunday Passport” Promotion: Five Sunday Movies for $25 through December 13

AMC Fitchburg 18 promotes matinee prices all-day Tuesdays for AMC Stubs members.

Our Madfilm Meetups focus on Tuesday night screenings primarily because of the Movie Tuesday $5 screenings at Marcus Theaters, and students are also accustomed to spending $5 (with student I.D.) on Thursdays. Now Marcus has introduced a new “Sunday Passport” discount program for “Magical Movie Rewards” members on Sunday nights: Five films for $25 through on Sundays through December 13.

The process is pretty easy, as explained on the Marcus website:

Purchase your Sunday Passport at a participating Marcus Theatres box office (not available online).  Present your Magical Movie Rewards card so your Sunday Passport can be loaded to your account.

Use your Passport by presenting your Magical Movie Rewards card to purchase a ticket at any Marcus Theatres box office for a qualifying movie showing on any Sunday between Oct. 25 – Dec. 13.  Be sure to tell the box office associate that you want to purchase a ticket using your Sunday Passport.

Marcus generally has been better than AMC Theaters at promoting its discounts. Signs at AMC Fitchburg 18 promoting a Tuesday discount for AMC Stubs members state: “Enjoy our low morning prices on tickets all day long, every Tuesday. Show your AMC Stubs card on Tuesdays to see movies for less.” There is little evidence of this promotion online (in part because you have to ask for the discount at the AMC Fitchburg 18 box office), other than posted consumer discussions with AMC representatives. An annual AMC Stubs membership is $12. [Update 11/1/15: see below.]

A quick look at the Carmike Cinemas website does not reveal a discount or rewards program along the lines of the Marcus “Magical Movie Rewards” or AMC “Stubs” program. So it should be interesting to see if the new Sundance/Carmike will respond in kind to the other local chains.

Meanwhile, Tuesdays remain a good night to catch up on current first run movies at a discount in Madison.

Update: AMC Fitchburg 18 has posted an electronic version of the “AMC Stubs Member Appreciation Day” announcement on its Facebook page:

Every Tuesday is AMC Stubs Member Appreciation Day at our AMC! Enjoy low morning prices on tickets all day! This offer…

Posted by AMC Fitchburg 18 on Sunday, November 1, 2015